Planning Area

The Willow Glen Planning Area is a densely developed area west of downtown San Jose. It is 10.4 square miles in area and the population was estimated by the City of San Jose Planning, Building and Code Enforcement Department at 75,937 in the year 2007, which yields a population density of 11.4 residents per acre. By the year 2020 the population is estimated to be 82,750.  See the City of San Jose's "Greenprint" planning maps here.

Today's neighborhood and greater planning area is bordered by Interstate-280 at the north; Almaden Expressway, the Guadalupe River and State Route-87 to the east; Hillsdale and Camden Avenues to the south; and a zig-zag that borders the city of Campbell on the west side, including State Route 17, Hamilton Avenue, Leigh Avenue, Dry Creek Road, and Bascom Avenue.  See the Google map, here, (directing off our website).

See the official Planning Area Maps below:

Willow Glen Planning Area

City of San Jose Greenprint 2009 Update, p.140.  Includes special annotations by WGNA in red at the page margins.

Willow Glen Urban Planning Area Strategies

City of San Jose Greenprint 2009 update, p.141. )Excerpted half page brief)

City of San Jose Planning Areas 

City of San Jose Greenprint 2009 Update, p.70.

WGNA Coverage Area, per the Bylaws & Policies

Note that the above Willow Glen Planning Area documents from the City of San Jose Greenprint 2009 Update apply to the Willow Glen Neighborhood Association Bylaws and PoliciesArticle III: Membership; Section 2. Classes, which states:

a) Individual and Household memberships: Individual and Household memberships are “voting memberships,” and are reserved for residents and residential property owners within the boundaries of the Association, as defined by San Jose 2009 Greenprint - Willow Glen Planning Area Map, and within 1/2 mile of Greenprint boundary since neighboring areas affect traffic, quality of life and other issues important to our members and Willow Glen.

b) Associate and Corporate Memberships: Associate and Corporate memberships are open to anyone interested who subscribes to and supports WGNA’s purposes, values, and non-discrimination statements and are “non-voting memberships.”

The qualifications or eligibility requirements for membership and the rights and obligations of members shall be as provided in these By-laws and under applicable California and U.S. law.